Late Temple Architecture in India, 15Th to 19Th Centuries
Continuities, Revivals, Appropriations, and Innovations
Price: 1395.00
Publication date:
352 pages
Price: 1395.00
Publication date:
352 pages
George Michell
This volume is the first comprehensive account of temple architecture in India during the period of Sultanate, Mughal, and British rule. For the most part neglected in historical surveys of Indian architecture, the temples that appear here are of interest for the startling diversity of their forms, structural techniques, and aesthetic qualities.
Rights: World Rights
George Michell
From the fifteenth century on, after a period of widespread destruction and demolition, India witnessed a resumption of temple patronage and building activity. These ‘late’ temples, however, are usually overlooked by architectural and art historians, who tend to privilege the earlier phases of Indian architecture and art, the prevailing assumption being that India’s ‘late’ temples are unworthy of serious attention. As illustrated in this volume, nothing could be further from the truth. Accompanied by maps, photographs, as well as a selection of building plans, this book is the first wide-ranging account of temple architecture in the 500-year period that coincides with the rule of the sultanates, the Mughals, and the British. Through a meticulous study of over 300 temples from 17 geographical zones, this book shows that, as far as temple architecture is concerned, these years were remarkably creative and vibrant. The temples built during this period display a startling diversity of forms, structural techniques, and aesthetic qualities. Rather than characterizing the appearance of domes, vaults, pointed arches, and other such ‘borrowings’ as inappropriately ‘Christian’ or ‘Islamic’, this volume attempts to understand how such attributes came to be integrated into a Hindu and Jain religious context.
George Michell
Table of contents
About the Author
George Michell
From the fifteenth century on, after a period of widespread destruction and demolition, India witnessed a resumption of temple patronage and building activity. These ‘late’ temples, however, are usually overlooked by architectural and art historians, who tend to privilege the earlier phases of Indian architecture and art, the prevailing assumption being that India’s ‘late’ temples are unworthy of serious attention. As illustrated in this volume, nothing could be further from the truth. Accompanied by maps, photographs, as well as a selection of building plans, this book is the first wide-ranging account of temple architecture in the 500-year period that coincides with the rule of the sultanates, the Mughals, and the British. Through a meticulous study of over 300 temples from 17 geographical zones, this book shows that, as far as temple architecture is concerned, these years were remarkably creative and vibrant. The temples built during this period display a startling diversity of forms, structural techniques, and aesthetic qualities. Rather than characterizing the appearance of domes, vaults, pointed arches, and other such ‘borrowings’ as inappropriately ‘Christian’ or ‘Islamic’, this volume attempts to understand how such attributes came to be integrated into a Hindu and Jain religious context.
Table of contents
About the Author
Trade, Ideology and Urbanization
R. Champakalakshmi
The Geopolitical Orbits of Ancient India
Dilip K. Chakrabarti
Rethinking Classical Indo-Roman Trade
Rajan Gurukkal
India: An Archaeological History
Dilip Chakrabarti