As a department of the University of Oxford, improving educational outcomes is fundamental to our mission. As you would expect, everything we develop at OUP is created with rigour and care to ensure that it will help to engage learners.
As part of this commitment, we developed Oxford Impact, OUP’s approach to evaluating the impact that our key educational products and services have on teaching and learning. This approach ensures that teachers, learners and parents can be sure that our resources make a positive difference.
Oxford Impact
- Eases the process of selecting the educational resources that have the greatest impact.
- Ensures that OUP products and services meet the high-quality standards that teachers and educators expect.
- Uses a rigorous approach to evaluating impact developed with the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), and supported by the Department of Education, University of Oxford, that teachers and educators can trust.
Impact studies completed so far
Foundational Training Online Teacher Training My Learning Train Oxford Advantage Oxford Advantage Little Champs and classes 1-2

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