Internal Combustion Engines

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Price: 995.00 INR

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First Edition

Internal Combustion Engines is a textbook designed for the students of mechanical and allied engineering programmes to help them understand the principles, working, and performance of various IC engines.

Rights:  World Rights

First Edition


Internal Combustion Engines is a textbook designed for the students of mechanical and allied engineering programmes to help them understand the principles, working, and performance of various IC engines.

Beginning with the thermodynamic cycles, the discussion moves onto combustion mechanism, fuels and systems, ignition system, friction and lubrication, and cooling auxiliaries. This is followed by chapters on two-stroke engines, superchargers and turbochargers, air pollution control, and testing and performance.

The last chapter deals with the dynamics of exhaust and fresh charge for successive cycles in gas exchange systems.

First Edition

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Air Standard Cycles
  3. Analysis of Fuel–Air Cycles
  4. Analysis of Actual Cycles
  5. Fuels
  6. Combustion in IC Engines
  7. Fuel Systems in SI Engines
  8. Fuel Systems in CI Engines
  9. Ignition Systems
  10. Engine Friction and Lubrication System
  11. Lubricants
  12. Cooling Systems
  13. Two-stroke Engines
  14. Superchargers and Turbochargers
  15. Air Pollution and Control Strategies
  16. Testing and Performance
  17. Engine Gas Exchange Systems

First Edition


  • Discusses electronic fuel injection systems such as MPFI, GDI, and CRDI as well as air-assisted fuel injection system.
  • Describes the application of nanotechnology in internal combustion engines in various systems such as cooling, lubrication, and fuel systems.
  • Presents flame visualization techniques for combustion analysis, thermodynamic analysis of combustion, and associated heat release.
  • Illustrates the concepts through schematics, sectional views, and photographs wherever relevant.
  • Includes a variety of solved problems along with multiple choice questions (MCQs), theoretical questions, and exercise problems.

Online Resources

For Faculty:
  • Solutions manual
  • Chapter-wise lecture PPTs
  • Additional reading material on gas turbines

For Students:
  • Colour photographs of engines presented in the book
  • Additional reading material on gas turbines

First Edition

First Edition


Internal Combustion Engines is a textbook designed for the students of mechanical and allied engineering programmes to help them understand the principles, working, and performance of various IC engines.

Beginning with the thermodynamic cycles, the discussion moves onto combustion mechanism, fuels and systems, ignition system, friction and lubrication, and cooling auxiliaries. This is followed by chapters on two-stroke engines, superchargers and turbochargers, air pollution control, and testing and performance.

The last chapter deals with the dynamics of exhaust and fresh charge for successive cycles in gas exchange systems.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Air Standard Cycles
  3. Analysis of Fuel–Air Cycles
  4. Analysis of Actual Cycles
  5. Fuels
  6. Combustion in IC Engines
  7. Fuel Systems in SI Engines
  8. Fuel Systems in CI Engines
  9. Ignition Systems
  10. Engine Friction and Lubrication System
  11. Lubricants
  12. Cooling Systems
  13. Two-stroke Engines
  14. Superchargers and Turbochargers
  15. Air Pollution and Control Strategies
  16. Testing and Performance
  17. Engine Gas Exchange Systems