(Un)Familiar Femininities

Studies in Contemporary Lesbian South Asian Texts

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Publication date:



344 pages


Price: 875.00 

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Publication date:



344 pages

Aneeta Rajendran

A nuanced reading of contemporary literary and cinematic texts from India and its diaspora, this work traces the histories of the 'un(familiar)' lesbian in the homophobic realm around us. Focusing on  representations and legacies of such femininities, the author  shows how female same-sex socialities and  female same-sex love straddle  terrains both familiar and unfamiliar, arguing that homosexuality and heterosexuality are not in  opposition but in a state of constant dialogue with each other.

Rights:  World Rights

Aneeta Rajendran

Aneeta Rajendran

Table of contents


An Introduction 
1. Gender Insubordination: (Un)Familiar Butch Desire
2. Lesbians in the House! Cinema and Queer
Female Desire 
3. The (Un)Familiar in the Heart of the Family:
Portraits of the Lesbian as a Married Woman
4. Unbecoming Women: Shaping (Un)Familiar Lives 
Conclusions: Mainstreaming (Un)Familiarities
About the Author

Aneeta Rajendran


  • The book is a serious, scholarly, nuanced consideration of a frontier area not only for LGBTQ readers, but also for
  • a feminist-gender-aware audience. Due to its topicality, the book is likely to generate great interest among general readers. Highly readable, this book will attract a readership with an interest in contemporary culture.

Aneeta Rajendran

Aneeta Rajendran

Table of contents


An Introduction 
1. Gender Insubordination: (Un)Familiar Butch Desire
2. Lesbians in the House! Cinema and Queer
Female Desire 
3. The (Un)Familiar in the Heart of the Family:
Portraits of the Lesbian as a Married Woman
4. Unbecoming Women: Shaping (Un)Familiar Lives 
Conclusions: Mainstreaming (Un)Familiarities
About the Author