The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations

Fourth Edition

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Publication date:



524 pages

Price: 595.00 INR

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Publication date:



524 pages

Garrett W Brown, Iain McLean, and Alistair McMillan

Fully updated for its fourth edition, the dictionary has had its coverage of international relations heavily revised and expanded, reflected in its title change, and it includes a wealth of new material in areas such as international institutions, peace building, human security, security studies, global governance, and open economy politics.


Garrett W Brown, Iain McLean, and Alistair McMillan


This bestselling dictionary contains over 1,700 entries on all aspects of politics and international relations. Written by a leading team of political scientists, it embraces the multi-disciplinary spectrum of political theory including political thinkers, history, institutions, theories, and schools of thought, as well as notable current affairs that have shaped attitudes to politics.

Fully updated for its fourth edition, the dictionary has had its coverage of international relations heavily revised and expanded, reflected in its title change, and it includes a wealth of new material in areas such as international institutions, peace building, human security, security studies, global governance, and open economy politics. It also incorporates recommended web links that can be accessed via a regularly checked and updated companion website, ensuring that the links remain relevant.

The dictionary is international in its coverage and will prove invaluable to students and academics studying politics and related disciplines, as well as politicians, journalists, and the general reader seeking clarification of political terms.

About the authors:

Garrett W. Brown is a Professor of Political Theory and Global Health Policy at the University of Leeds. His principle research interests include Kantian political and legal philosophy, the history of cosmopolitan thought, global justice, the governance of global health priorities, the theory and practice of global governance, and issues lying at the interface between political theory and international relations theory.

Iain McLean is an Official Fellow in Politics at Nuffield College, Oxford, and Professor of Politics at the University of Oxford. He has held visiting appointments at Stanford and Yale. His books include Public Choice (1987) and Rational Choice and British Politics (2001). His research interests include the history of social choice, the properties of electoral systems, the political economy of the Enlightenment, and UK public policy. He is a Fellow of the British Academy and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Alistair McMillan is a Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Sheffield. His research interests include representation and electoral politics. He is author of Standing at the Margins: Representation and Electoral Reservation in India (2005). State of the Union: Unionism and the Alternatives in the United Kingdom Since 1707 (2005), co-authored with Iain McLean, won the W. J. M. Mackenzie Prize of the Political Studies Association of the UK.

Garrett W Brown, Iain McLean, and Alistair McMillan

Table of contents

List of Contributors
Preface to the Fourth Edition
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the Original Edition
Timeline of Political Philosophers and Theorists

Garrett W Brown, Iain McLean, and Alistair McMillan

Garrett W Brown, Iain McLean, and Alistair McMillan

Garrett W Brown, Iain McLean, and Alistair McMillan


This bestselling dictionary contains over 1,700 entries on all aspects of politics and international relations. Written by a leading team of political scientists, it embraces the multi-disciplinary spectrum of political theory including political thinkers, history, institutions, theories, and schools of thought, as well as notable current affairs that have shaped attitudes to politics.

Fully updated for its fourth edition, the dictionary has had its coverage of international relations heavily revised and expanded, reflected in its title change, and it includes a wealth of new material in areas such as international institutions, peace building, human security, security studies, global governance, and open economy politics. It also incorporates recommended web links that can be accessed via a regularly checked and updated companion website, ensuring that the links remain relevant.

The dictionary is international in its coverage and will prove invaluable to students and academics studying politics and related disciplines, as well as politicians, journalists, and the general reader seeking clarification of political terms.

About the authors:

Garrett W. Brown is a Professor of Political Theory and Global Health Policy at the University of Leeds. His principle research interests include Kantian political and legal philosophy, the history of cosmopolitan thought, global justice, the governance of global health priorities, the theory and practice of global governance, and issues lying at the interface between political theory and international relations theory.

Iain McLean is an Official Fellow in Politics at Nuffield College, Oxford, and Professor of Politics at the University of Oxford. He has held visiting appointments at Stanford and Yale. His books include Public Choice (1987) and Rational Choice and British Politics (2001). His research interests include the history of social choice, the properties of electoral systems, the political economy of the Enlightenment, and UK public policy. He is a Fellow of the British Academy and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Alistair McMillan is a Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Sheffield. His research interests include representation and electoral politics. He is author of Standing at the Margins: Representation and Electoral Reservation in India (2005). State of the Union: Unionism and the Alternatives in the United Kingdom Since 1707 (2005), co-authored with Iain McLean, won the W. J. M. Mackenzie Prize of the Political Studies Association of the UK.

Table of contents

List of Contributors
Preface to the Fourth Edition
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the Original Edition
Timeline of Political Philosophers and Theorists