Sexuality Studies
Price: 945.00
Publication date:
336 pages
Price: 945.00
Publication date:
336 pages
Sanjay Srivastava
Rights: World Rights
Sanjay Srivastava
Sexuality, in all societies, pervades every aspect of social existence, and has always been an enigmatic theme of research in the social and human sciences. In India, especially, the overwhelming diversity in language, ethnicity, community, caste, and class; the multitudes of value systems; and the unique and dynamic confluence of its history, modernity, and tradition, render the study of sexuality a challenging endeavour mandating interdisciplinarity and multiplicity of analytical frameworks. This volume, a valuable compilation of fresh research in the field, bridges this gap, and provides a nuanced, spectral view of sexual cultures of India. Through in-depth theoretical analysis and an array of case studies, this volume establishes a firm analytical framework for sexuality studies in the country. It widely covers the interconnected dimensions of history, legality, religion, caste, race, class, sexual orientation, politics, and power.
Sanjay Srivastava
Sexuality, in all societies, pervades every aspect of social existence, and has always been an enigmatic theme of research in the social and human sciences. In India, especially, the overwhelming diversity in language, ethnicity, community, caste, and class; the multitudes of value systems; and the unique and dynamic confluence of its history, modernity, and tradition, render the study of sexuality a challenging endeavour mandating interdisciplinarity and multiplicity of analytical frameworks. This volume, a valuable compilation of fresh research in the field, bridges this gap, and provides a nuanced, spectral view of sexual cultures of India. Through in-depth theoretical analysis and an array of case studies, this volume establishes a firm analytical framework for sexuality studies in the country. It widely covers the interconnected dimensions of history, legality, religion, caste, race, class, sexual orientation, politics, and power.
Who We Are and How We Got Here
David Reich