Reconceptualizing India Studies

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Publication date:



280 pages


Price: 995.00 

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Publication date:



280 pages


Rights:  World Rights



 What does it mean to be an Indian in this time and age? What does India have to give to the contemporary world? These overarching questions that echo in the mind of the post-colonial Indian cannot be truly answered by Western frameworks instituted at the behest of colonialism.   This book sets the stage for a reconceptualization of India studies. Clearing away intellectual deadwood, it initiates a process of comparative study of cultures. The volume scrutinizes the Western studies on India, including contemporary writings on Hinduism, the nature of inter-cultural dialogues, and their implications for normative political philosophy.   S.N. Balagangadhara puts forth the case to translate Indian traditions to the twenty-first century idiom. He urges the need to analyse and understand Indian contributions to human knowledge.






 What does it mean to be an Indian in this time and age? What does India have to give to the contemporary world? These overarching questions that echo in the mind of the post-colonial Indian cannot be truly answered by Western frameworks instituted at the behest of colonialism.   This book sets the stage for a reconceptualization of India studies. Clearing away intellectual deadwood, it initiates a process of comparative study of cultures. The volume scrutinizes the Western studies on India, including contemporary writings on Hinduism, the nature of inter-cultural dialogues, and their implications for normative political philosophy.   S.N. Balagangadhara puts forth the case to translate Indian traditions to the twenty-first century idiom. He urges the need to analyse and understand Indian contributions to human knowledge.