Reading Portal Foundational Level 2: Our Country

Price: 200.00 INR

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Publication date:



40 pages


Price: 200.00 INR

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Publication date:



40 pages

Nandini Nayar

‘Chotu’s Red Bucket’ by Nandini Nayar shows how small actions can have a big impact on the world around us. ‘How Tara Made Things Grow’by Nandini Nayar is a fun story about growing up. ‘Boys Can, Girls Can’ by Priyadarshini Gogoi invites the readers to think about the different ways we can be ourselves.

Rights:  World Rights

Nandini Nayar

Nandini Nayar

Nandini Nayar

Nandini Nayar

Nandini Nayar