New Subaltern Politics
Reconceptualizing Hegemony and Resistance In Contemporary India
Price: 850.00
Publication date:
328 pages
Price: 850.00
Publication date:
328 pages
Alf Gunvald Nilsen, Srila Roy
New Subaltern Politics presents a critical dialogue between the conceptual and analytical legacies of Subaltern Studies and the evolving forms of hegemony and resistance in contemporary India. From the struggles of the urban poor in Gujarat to the activism of sexual subalterns in eastern India and the mobilization of artisanal fishing communities in Tamil Nadu, the essays in this volume cover a diverse range of ongoing struggles against dispossession, disenfranchisement, and stigma that are unfolding in neoliberal India.
Rights: World Rights
Alf Gunvald Nilsen, Srila Roy
Table of contents
Notes on Editors and Contributors
Alf Gunvald Nilsen, Srila Roy
- Wide empirical range-diversity of case studies Orientation towards conceptual innovation Critical dialogue and contributions from founding member of the Subaltern Studies project Relevance to a number of contemporary issues pertaining to the Global South
Alf Gunvald Nilsen, Srila Roy
Table of contents
Notes on Editors and Contributors
Who We Are and How We Got Here
David Reich
Beyond Hybridity and Fundamentalism
Tabassum Ruhi Khan
Handbook of Modernity in South Asia
Saurabh Dube