My Learning Train Express Level 1

An Interactive, activity based course

Price: 2050.00 INR

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Price: 2050.00 INR

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Edition 2025 Edition

Sonia Relia & Relia

My Learning Train Express has been packaged together to create a holistic learning experience for the foundational learners.

Rights:  World Rights

Edition 2025 Edition

Sonia Relia & Relia

Edition 2025 Edition

Sonia Relia & Relia

Edition 2025 Edition

Sonia Relia & Relia


Content for English and Mathematics tagged to the 5 developmental domains Additional activities to cover multiple domains Clearly defined competencies and learning outcomes Respect for diversity and local context An entire page dedicated to NCF 2022 with meaning of each domain in the Coursebooks of English and Mathematics Assessment practices and holistic report card, as per NCF 2022 in the Teacher Manuals

Edition 2025 Edition

Sonia Relia & Relia

Edition 2025 Edition

Sonia Relia & Relia