Beyond Hybridity and Fundamentalism

Emerging Muslim Identity in Globalized India

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Publication date:



228 pages


Price: 895.00 

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Publication date:



228 pages

First Edition

Tabassum Ruhi Khan

Introducing a new perspective to studies on globalization, media, and cultural politics, this book shows how interpolation of local and global in the accelerated virtual spheres, and their contextual interpretation within an expanding economy, notwithstanding Muslim youth's disadvantaged position, shape alternate modernities rife with ambiguities and beyond binaries of progress and regression. 

Rights:  World Rights

First Edition

Tabassum Ruhi Khan


The question of identity, and especially its formation among youth, has received significant academic attention as our worlds become intricately and unpredictably connected through satellite televisions, mobile telephones, Internet, and social networking platforms. Marking a distinct addition to such scholarship, this volume is an ethnographic study of the under-investigated issue of Indian Muslim youth’s emergent subjectivity in a media-saturated globalized Indian society. The author develops the idea of ‘convoluted modernity’ to explain Muslim youth’s reactions to multifarious and divergent influences both from the East as well as the West shaping their everyday life. The concept illustrates how Muslim youths’ ideas about self and community draw equally on MTV as on Peace TV to create a complex truck between consumerist hedonism and globalized Islam.  Introducing a new perspective to studies on globalization, media, and cultural politics, this book shows how interpolation of local and global in the accelerated virtual spheres, and their contextual interpretation within an expanding economy, notwithstanding Muslim youth’s disadvantaged position, shape alternate modernities rife with ambiguities and beyond binaries of progress and regression.

First Edition

Tabassum Ruhi Khan

Table of contents

Introduction: Beyond Hybridity and Fundamentalism
1. MTV and Peace TV: Global Cool and Apna Mahol
in Jamia Enclave 
2. Cyber Citizens: Rewriting Social and Political
3. Muslim Women Negotiating Modernity and Islam 

About the Author   

First Edition

Tabassum Ruhi Khan


  • The book presents the emerging, changing worldview of young Muslims Comprises case studies from Jamia Nagar, New Delhi, where the Muslim youth is leading their lives at par with the global youth and not secluded lives with only religion governing them.
  • It offers perspective on the changing identity and perception of the minority community

First Edition

Tabassum Ruhi Khan

First Edition

Tabassum Ruhi Khan


The question of identity, and especially its formation among youth, has received significant academic attention as our worlds become intricately and unpredictably connected through satellite televisions, mobile telephones, Internet, and social networking platforms. Marking a distinct addition to such scholarship, this volume is an ethnographic study of the under-investigated issue of Indian Muslim youth’s emergent subjectivity in a media-saturated globalized Indian society. The author develops the idea of ‘convoluted modernity’ to explain Muslim youth’s reactions to multifarious and divergent influences both from the East as well as the West shaping their everyday life. The concept illustrates how Muslim youths’ ideas about self and community draw equally on MTV as on Peace TV to create a complex truck between consumerist hedonism and globalized Islam.  Introducing a new perspective to studies on globalization, media, and cultural politics, this book shows how interpolation of local and global in the accelerated virtual spheres, and their contextual interpretation within an expanding economy, notwithstanding Muslim youth’s disadvantaged position, shape alternate modernities rife with ambiguities and beyond binaries of progress and regression.

Table of contents

Introduction: Beyond Hybridity and Fundamentalism
1. MTV and Peace TV: Global Cool and Apna Mahol
in Jamia Enclave 
2. Cyber Citizens: Rewriting Social and Political
3. Muslim Women Negotiating Modernity and Islam 

About the Author